CarsWithoutLimitsのインスタグラム(carswithoutlimits) - 3月29日 02時14分

So everyone has been posting about these Instagram changes. I m just gonna say a few things about it .
1. A few weeks ago Instagram dramatically drop down the post reach. Likes, comments and followers when down. If you are verified Instagram account. You will notice that those type of accounts will get more likes and comments faster in a point of time. I believe verified accounts won't be affected by it.
2. Why make one of the most popular social media platforms. Do something that was hated when Facebook did it. Also something like this might bring out the hidden social media platforms, that might be the big next thing
3. What if this is just a joke. The reason why I would say this is. Friday is April Fools. A huge social media joke. This hasn't been done before and could of be a HUGE marketing for them. To go the extra mile to add this update to your phone & then fix it at the end of the week. Think about this could be possible too. The world was buzzing about the first Instagram clean up and this would drive the world insane
4. We will see what the next few days bring us. In my honestly opinion. It will be fine for everyone. I have been talking to many people about new changes and it's been all positive news so far.
#KeepCalmAndHitYourCousinsBong #CarsWithoutLimits


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