タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 3月28日 13時48分

#Comments below!!! They say that these days the powerful images of true black love is fading fast..... The devil has been busy breaking up our families, and our marriages people giving UP on love......... So I decided to do something about it...... Yes your parents or grandparents have been together for 40 years but you couldn't convince me that they haven't been through infidelity, lies, disappointments, life threatening health crisis's the difference is THEY DIDN't QUIT!!!!!!!! People are so fucking weak these days they get into one argument then run to Instagram seeking validation from strangers that they have literally never met they don't have the answers SWAY!!!!!!!! I know us men are wrong and we are FLAWED and most of us cheat but the ladies are honestly ON one!!! What IF WE don't know HOW to love??? What if we didn't grow up IN a house where REAL IMAGES OF LOVE WERE DISPLAYED??? How can you expect us to naturally know HOW to BE something we were never raised by??? Why are women working SO hard these days to prove that they don't need a man??? Celebrate love click the link...... In my Instagram bio....... Every click counts.... I want you so badly to SEE #TheBlackBook

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