ダニエル・サモーヒンのインスタグラム(danielsamohin) - 3月27日 05時58分

Yesterday I lost a very important man in my life, Igor Pashkevich, Igor and my dad were friends since they were 5 years old, he's known me ever since I was born, he's known my brother ever since my brother was born, he was our uncle, I have so many things to say and so many things I wanted to do when I was going to see him next, but that was taken away, as I'm writing this tears are coming down my face and Its not only because I'm sad, I'm remembering all the amazing memories we had together and all the amazing things he has done for me, we were all a team, a team that could never be broken, when I heard the news I was brought to my knees because I felt the strength that I had being pulled out of my body, but I hope and I know he will always be there, I will cherish the last phone call I had with him that was two days ago forever, and always remember him for the great kind hearted man he was, I want to say more but can't find the words, I will always keep adding something to this photo I have because I will always find something amazing about you, miss you my жаба my Паштет, we will all love you forever ! #igorpashkevich


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