デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 3月26日 04時14分


The year was 1994 It is a dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Death Star has been destroyed... blah, blah, blah... Let's go over what's very wrong here for my first headshot in the business of entertainment.
1: I have the most beautiful lions mane ever grown on a boy. I should be holding a sword and protecting Winterfell. It's the rich Corinthian leather of hair. I would shower and let it air dry over an 18 hour period.
2: Burlap sack hoodie because who doesn't love to itch like a muthafucka.
3: Neckless. I think it's tribal? It was a dollar at Hot Topic. I just found it in a box the other day next to the dark crystal.
4: I'm just not confident. Well.. Actually.. I was just a new performer with big hopes. I picked this as a headshot even though my first manager told me, "you can't see the other half of your face. People might think you are horribly scarred!" I was but it was on my heart and soul which is why I'm a comedian. The fact of the matter is I thought it was symbolic -- it said, "I'm emerging from nothing and you will clearly see me soon." **editors note: This headshot got me laid despite my lack of style or understanding of how the world actually worked.


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