ドウェイン・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(therock) - 3月23日 09時44分

BEST part of my visit to the Pediatric Specialty Ward was surprising Aliya - when I walked in and said "Hi honey" she literally could not have cared less!? All she wanted to do was play with her water in the sink. I said hi and she looked around like "Uh who is this big brown, bald man rudely interrupting my playtime and I would like him to leave not now, but right now.."?? Between all the smiles, laughs and tears it was an awesome visit and again, I appreciate everyone who made the effort to make some very special kids (and parents) so happy. Look forward to doing it again down the road. ~ DJ #TheManNowKnownAsRuiningAliyasPlaytime ??


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