A.J.のインスタグラム(aj_mclean) - 3月23日 01時38分

So 7 years ago today I went on a date with a girl. It was the best worst first date ever lol. There was Mexican food, a band that wouldnt shut up, and a very graphic horror film! From that day that moment I knew this was someone special. We even both couldn't blow our noses cause it grossed us out! Insert 80's high five!! Now we're here married happily with a family and an amazing daughter! Who would of thought! I finally found my soulmate my best friend my lover my wife my everything. Someone finally figured me out and how to tame the savage beast! You truly are my "belle"! We've been through hell and back always side by side and not a million swords or a million men can break us! I love you @rochelle_deanna and here's to a lifetime of "friends" "mario" and whatever new memories we want to make. I love u baby. Happy anniversary!!!


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