As you can see, Achilles is doing way better. He is responding great to his Calcium and Minerals treatment that we are giving him so he is starting to move since his bones are getting stronger. We have completely controlled his digestive problem and he complained in the last 24 hours a total of around 5 minutes. I can't wait to perform a Tomography on him this weekend when his bones are stronger so that the Master orthopedist can operate him next week. Then, it'll be 2 weeks of struggle to keep him immobilised as much as we can and then we'll be celebrating. Remember, this is a case that requires a lot of patience but you know that Im using this time to also heal his Heart. I am positive that Achilles will win this battle. Thank you for your Love and Blessings :) Como pueden ver, Achilles esta mejorando. Sus huesos, gracias al tratamiento de calcio y minerales se están fortaleciendo y ya se puede voltear. en las ultimas 24 horas, se quejo un total de 5 minutos. Ya quiero que llegue el Sabado para tomarle su tomografía y que el Maestro en ortopedia lo pueda operar la siguiente semana. Les he dicho que es un proceso que requiere de paciencia y sentido común, aparte de la mejor soporte medico en el mundo, pero estoy positivo de que Achilles ganara esta batalla. Gracias por su Amor y Bendiciones :) #AchillesBJWT #SaveTigers #SaveOurPlanet #BeHuman #NotPets #NOSONMASCOTAS #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger #RescuedTigers #NotPets #NotPets #NotPets

blackjaguarwhitetigerさん(@blackjaguarwhitetiger)が投稿した動画 -

Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 3月23日 01時27分

As you can see, Achilles is doing way better. He is responding great to his Calcium and Minerals treatment that we are giving him so he is starting to move since his bones are getting stronger. We have completely controlled his digestive problem and he complained in the last 24 hours a total of around 5 minutes. I can't wait to perform a Tomography on him this weekend when his bones are stronger so that the Master orthopedist can operate him next week. Then, it'll be 2 weeks of struggle to keep him immobilised as much as we can and then we'll be celebrating. Remember, this is a case that requires a lot of patience but you know that Im using this time to also heal his Heart. I am positive that Achilles will win this battle. Thank you for your Love and Blessings :)
Como pueden ver, Achilles esta mejorando. Sus huesos, gracias al tratamiento de calcio y minerales se están fortaleciendo y ya se puede voltear. en las ultimas 24 horas, se quejo un total de 5 minutos. Ya quiero que llegue el Sabado para tomarle su tomografía y que el Maestro en ortopedia lo pueda operar la siguiente semana. Les he dicho que es un proceso que requiere de paciencia y sentido común, aparte de la mejor soporte medico en el mundo, pero estoy positivo de que Achilles ganara esta batalla. Gracias por su Amor y Bendiciones :)
#AchillesBJWT #SaveTigers #SaveOurPlanet #BeHuman #NotPets #NOSONMASCOTAS #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger #RescuedTigers #NotPets #NotPets #NotPets


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