クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 3月22日 06時45分

Sooooooo I'm going to keep this brief. (Ha not really). We all know what real loyalty is. It's not letting folks that have hurt your loved ones carry on as if nothing happened when you're not around. No you don't need to fight my battles but you don't need to Kiki with the mo'fo's either. I've been in the middle of two folks that didn't get along and I felt like it was my duty to not let each of em disrespect the other in my presence. It's a hard dance to do- but just because something is difficult doesn't make it impossible or not worth trying. I've gone hard for friends in their absence only to have them still doubt me- and that hurts too- but I can't convince someone of my integrity that refuses to see it. At the end of the day- the person you are while you are NOT in the presence of the ones you call "friends" and what you allow says a whole lot about you. And that's something that YOU have to deal with when you're alone with your thoughts. Just some food for thought for dat ass....


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