バーニー・サンダースのインスタグラム(berniesanders) - 3月21日 09時54分

We invaded Iraq 13 years ago today. We must ask ourselves: are we more or less safe because of that war? When the last benefits are calculated, that war will have cost the United States taxpayers several trillion dollars. That’s money that could have been spent on rebuilding America’s schools, roads, bridges and water systems. In the wake of that war, we must never forget the incredible sacrifices made by our veterans. That starts with defending veterans’ benefits from attempts to cut them in our Congress. In 2003, I voted against the War in Iraq. It was a hard vote to cast when so many were calling for war. Unfortunately, what I predicted at the time about the destabilization of the region came true. Americans need a president who will think about their future 10, 15, 20 years down the line — someone with judgment. Together, we can move to a foreign policy rooted in sound judgment that will move us away from perpetual warfare.


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