@LONDON | TAG #THISISLONDONのインスタグラム(london) - 3月21日 03時42分

#VernalEquinox - the first day of #Spring, as beautifully captured by @whatalexloves in #Chelsea ?? || The word "Vernal" is derived from the Latin word for spring and it is one of two that occur every year - the other being the Autumnal Equinox in September. The two equinox mark the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator - the imaginary line running through the centre of the globe - from south to north. || What happens on an equinox? In Latin it literally means "Equal night" (Equi means equal and nox means night) because it means there are roughly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night everywhere in the world. || #FactForSunday #ThisIsLondon || ? @whatalexloves


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