unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 3月19日 06時11分

“We had enough grain to sell, as well as eat. There was money to manage the household, and I felt I could care for the family well. “We lost everything. We haven’t harvested any crops for over two years – nothing. While we wait for the rain to return, we’ve had to lease out some of our land. At the moment, I’m selling firewood when I can. I have to rent donkeys, though, and I can’t always afford that. We are living hand to mouth. Gone are the days that we harvested maize, wheat, sorghum. Last year, nothing grew.” Marianna feeds her daughter, 2-year-old Tamina, a ready-to-use therapeutic food at a @UNICEFEthiopia supported community health post in Arago Nemano Kebele, Shalla Woreda, West Arsi Zone, #Ethiopia – where women have brought their young children to be screened for malnutrition. © UNICEF/UN011591/Ayene


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