Dazed Magazineのインスタグラム(dazed) - 3月17日 23時02分

Muslim fashion bloggers hacked, Donald Trump videos appear:

Multiple Muslim fashion Instagram’s are being hacked, with the purportater posting threats and uploading #DonaldTrump related videos to the accounts.

First spotted by Australian journalist Jennine Khalik, who outlined the hack in a string of tweets with screengrabs, many high profile Muslim accounts and bloggers have been targeted.

Some bloggers and websites are reporting the hack came due to a spam email sent out asking users to enter their password to become verified by Instagram. Trump videos aren’t the only ammunition used by the hackers, with victims reporting a range of attacks from hateful emails to ransom demands, the privatisation of accounts and deleting of over 150,000 followers.

Up until now, social media has accommodated the swelling movement of wider recognition of Muslim dress in the mainstream fashion industry, with brands such as Dolce and Gabbana and H&M championing through clothing lines and advertising campaigns, with Instagram accounts such as Hijarbie drawing attention to the need for wider inclusivity.

Many of the targeted accounts are now up and running again under new guises, with the police reportedly involved and investigating the hacks. Read Khalik’s original tweets below. - words @ionegamble #dazedinstastory


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