サマンサ・ドロークのインスタグラム(samanthadroke) - 3月17日 07時36分

There was a season in my life where I was lost, not sure what to do with my life. I had grown up acting all my life, but still wasn't getting the roles I wanted. I would get down to the very final say and it would go to someone else. I watched all of my friends around me do what I so badly wanted to do. Then a message from God came to me, he said, "look at what I've put in front of you". At that time I was interning for a production company because I knew that's eventually want I wanted to do. Since then I've gotten the opportunity to produce a video for the 100th Anniversary of the Rose Bowl, I have produced a hand full of music videos, and after 4 years in the making I have created and recently sold my very first TV show. All because the Lord told me to look at what was in my hands! Through this journey He has given me purpose, shown me who I am, what I'm good at, and what my heart longs for. These are all blessing and all answered prayers. He knows the desires of your heart, he may not give them to you right away, but He will in the right time!
And to top it off! In the last 3 years God gave me the one acting project I so passionately wanted to do. Answered prayer!
Noah waited 120 years for it to rain... What has God put in your hands?

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