デビッド・ベッカムのインスタグラム(davidbeckham) - 3月15日 21時35分

I’ve joined forces with @Unicef_UK to bring you the story of Bitu, who just like my little ones, loves school. Bitu’s life has been turned upside down by the Syrian crisis. Follow the hashtag #BitusStory for more about her life and inspiring family.
This is a very special photo of Bitu at school giggling with her friend. She now lives in a refugee camp in #Iraq. “My favourite subject is Maths. The best thing about the school is the teachers. This is my friend Hadiya, who comes to my home every afternoon to play.”
I’m shining a light on this story because this week marks five years of brutal conflict in Syria. Bitu is one of the millions of children that @unicef are working to keep safe.


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