アンディ・マレーのインスタグラム(andymurray) - 3月15日 17時21分

This post is a little different from my usual pics. You might have seen similar posts from @unicef_uk, @ユアン・マクレガー, @emmaleebunton, @ジェシー・ウェア and @デビッド・ベッカム telling #BitusStory. That’s because this week marks five years of conflict in #Syria and I’ve teamed up with @Unicef_UK to bring you the story of Bitu, whose life has been turned upside down by the Syrian crisis.
This picture is of Bitu, her brother and her sister walking to school. “My sister Loreen is 7 years old. We call her Lulu. She can’t talk well and she can’t walk properly but she still goes to school. I carry her to school every morning and also help her walk back after school. Our home is really really far away from school. She can’t walk on her own. At home, she crawls around.” Follow the hashtag #BitusStory for more on Bitu and how the #Syrian conflict has changed her life. #childrenofsyria


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