ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 3月13日 20時35分

This old photo makes me so happy hahah this is Ace, I got him 2 years ago and he's just the most beautiful thing ever!!! I wanted a 'pretend kiss'... but he fully licked my face ahhah ewwww thanks Aceyyyy?? P.s this has nothing to do with anything I just said .. BUT I have to say it !! Sooooo, today, someone said to me "awww your lisp is so cute, I never noticed it"... soooooo wait? can I just say something? Firstly there is nothing wrong with having a lisp.... buttttt I don't have one all the time ?. I actually have braces BEHIND my teeth. You can't see them, but I can't talk properly (they are called incognito braces, if anyone wants to look them up). I've had them for about 10 months now and I'll get them off later this year? Until then, you won't be hearing me say "she sells sea shells by the sea shore", anytime soon. Also if you pay attention to my interviews, you can see I can't speak with them on hahaha oh well!!! ??✌️ www.kaylaitsines.com/app


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