ケイト・ナッシュのインスタグラム(katenash) - 3月13日 12時50分

? need tips for a dog that can run 2 fast & jump fences. As u know I just moved into a new place. Builders rang my bell & then just opened the door with the gate open without me answering (even though they know I have a dog ?) & she just sprinted off & ran away. I chased her but she was nowhere to be seen. I drove around honestly fearing I would never see her again/she would get hit by a car/all the bad things. I was crying & shouting Stella & freaking out & I came back home not knowing what to do & to get my phone & my boyfriend was inside the house with her. Thank fuck. She was waiting for him when he got there outside the gate. I'm impressed she actually remembered where we live. So this is why there was no live stream today for everyone asking. And also...if u have any tips for living with a dog that can sprint & basically fly. I live in a busier area than my last house so it freaks me the fuck out. DIY tips for blocking off fences/doors/porches?! Any good apps that find lost dogs??? I can't deal with this shit. I also have a room mate now so it's a different living situation. Need a chat room. Need a girl gang meeting actually. K gotta go get food now. Give me all your dog advice!!!! Never EVER want this to happen again. - panda


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