クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 3月12日 07時58分

This is so disgusting. How do you sucker punch a man with his hands down who's walking out? That old 78 year old man woulda got a hip broken that day. Or I woulda at least pinched him really really hard! Then he went on to say something about "we shoulda killed him" or "next time we'll kill him." These are the same types that celebrate the Trayvons and the Mike Browns of the worlds and their killings. What happens to humans beings from the time we're all playing in the same sand box Til folks get to these points to show so much hatred? And this old bastard isn't sorry one bit. And the icing on the cake is the VICTIM as seen here- was the one police further disrespected and wrestled to the ground because SOME are just automatically programmed to ASSUME the minority is the "bad guy." Does that sound fair to you? Smh. God help us all! ??


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