エリン・ヘザートンのインスタグラム(erinheathertonlegit) - 3月11日 13時11分

BY @renatamblack: "Being adopted at a young age, life to me, and everything that came with it occurred to me as, “lucky.” This came with the awareness that not everyone was as luck as me. In my decade long effort to empower women out of poverty and into self-sufficiency via microfinance, I have not been the overnight success I thought I deserved to be. In this pursuit of magic, the path has been my teacher. Living out your purpose is the highest luxury and it is a privilege that is earned as I have learned. Throughout this tenacious journey dotted by insecurity I always come back to the why I do what I do and think, “Be who you were before all that stuff happened that dimmed your fucking shine.” I turn insecurity into relentless drive and think of my favorite quote from Rosa Parks, “ You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right" BY #renatablack #rebelwacause #empoweredbyyou #womensempowerment


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