スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 3月11日 01時55分

We’re barking with excitement! We welcomed two maned wolf pups at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute earlier this winter. The pups are starting to venture out of the den where they were born in January. Mom, Zayda, and dad, Echo, have been taking great care of the pups, and are very protective of them. This is the first litter of pups for them. Maned wolves live in mated pairs, and both the male and the female care for the pups. So far, the female pup (bottom) seems more territorial and the male (top) is shy, but still curious.
With the birth of the pups we have 11 maned wolves living at SCBI. Their birth was especially exciting because Echo is one of the most genetically valuable maned wolves in human care. Breeding recommendations for the wolves are made by the Maned Wolf Species Survival Plan (SSP). Our own, Dr. Nucharin Songsasen is the SSP coordinator. #WeSaveSpecies


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