レイチェル・レビンのインスタグラム(rclbeauty101) - 3月10日 06時08分

GUYS APPARENTLY ALO'S NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT GREW A LOT (he's so darn heavy now) , CAUSE OUR LITTLE #LEVINATION JUST HIT 7 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS❤️ ??!! I'm not quite sure how this happened but I'm so grateful that you all decided to become part of this family, because that's really what we are, were a family, just a big family, but whenever I'm feeling down you guys help bring me back up and I'm hoping that I'm able to help bring you back up when you're feeling down too because that's my whole goal with YouTube! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! This doesn't feel like a reality it probably won't hit me that we have 7 million LEVINATORS for a good 3 months because it's so surreal ?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




