タイラー・ポジーのインスタグラム(tylerposey58) - 3月10日 05時33分

First time watching myself do this combo. There's a bunch of shit I want to work on to finesse my technique but I'm getting there baby. @eddiejackson5 has gotten me to a point physically and mentally that I have never been before. I'm in the best shape of my life. I've never felt more mentally stable either. I've found that this type of training is seriously a way of life that I want to continue to live by. I've never felt more motivated or inspired to conquer my dreams and goals. I see how attainable those things are. I've been through some of the hardest things you can go through and this, among other things, has taught me to keep fighting. Nothing is "too hard" anymore. I'm finally becoming the person I've always wanted to be. Fulfilling all the potential that I have. This came to me at a time in my life when I needed it most and I pushed myself to do it. Hopefully this message inspires you to do the same. Look up Eddie Jackson if you're in la. #ambien #tylenolpm


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