ティム・ケンプルのインスタグラム(timkemple) - 3月9日 13時17分

Tech Tip Tuesday: Shooting in wet weather comes with the territory when you're in the mountains. And while the skies and colors can be epic in photographs, the wetness can cause problems with all of our fancy camera gear. And for that I have the perfect solution. •

This weeks tech tip is so simple but I can't express its importance, and as such it's a piece of equipment I carry on every shoot: an umbrella. Seriously bring an umbrella whenever there is a threat of rain, a big giant golf umbrella, and strap it to the side of your pack and it will keep you and your gear dry enough for 90% of the shooting you'll ever do.

I hike with an umbrella in the rain and I laugh at all of the water logged waterproof folks I see travel by. I'd take an umbrella over a fancy plastic cover any day. Simple and effective.
Oh and if you ever NEED to make it rain, a couple 3 Gallon fertilizer sprayers go a long way... #techtiptuesday #norway #makeitrain


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