キーラ・コサリンのインスタグラム(kirakosarin) - 3月9日 01時59分

Just a quick thought for #internationalwomensday:

Some are empowered by modesty. Some are empowered by nudity. Wearing a full beat face of make-up makes some feel awesome, going completely bare-faced makes others feel better. Some girls like to kiss lots of different people. Some girls prefer not to. AND THAT'S ALL OKAY.
It is NOT UP TO US to determine the criteria by which a woman should or should not feel confident, sexy, happy, beautiful, smart, creative, or proud.
It is our job to encourage each other as women, not create unnecessary competition; all of our individual successes only help us as a collective group.

Women are smart, we are kind, we are strong, we are artistic, we can be anything in the world as long as we're there for each other. We can all be our own kinds of superheroes ???


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