エリック・ベネイのインスタグラム(ericbenet) - 3月6日 14時30分

You gotta just love this whole life journey thing. @syberspace has been on a stellar upward trajectory since I met her so many years ago (she was already in the stratosphere way back then). Now she shares the stage w #sting and #chrisbotti and continues to blow my mind with her talent and soul. And if you're ever fortunate enough to be in the audience of @carolinetheviolinist you'll walk (float) away with an entirely new understand of musical prowess performance ability ...and beauty. I'm still on a high from the show!please...if you have not....go see their show with #chrisbotti and #sting. #cameronsmith thanks for everything man!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



