ダヴ・キャメロンのインスタグラム(dovecameron) - 3月4日 04時22分

we are all, in our most natural state, good people with strong hearts who just want to connect and get back what they put in. so why do we play into the societal trends of picking other humans apart and taking small pleasure (but eventual loneliness and self disgust) in other humans pain? it may be easier to be unkind, and it may be less terrifying to avoid putting yourself on the line and being vulnerable and generous and loving to someone who is not you who may not reciprocate those feelings/actions. but are we really here to have just to have an easy, safe life where we get whatever we want and stay in our shells and never get hurt or learn or fully, deeply connect? the only thing that negativity does is hurt the person that the words live in, not the person that the words are directed at. you are making the conscious decision to fill your body with poison every time you give into your weaker/more fearful and negative side. fill your body (and other humans days) with light! you DO matter. you DO make a difference in the general energetic makeup of this world. so make your words count ?. do some good today. I love you.


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