タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 3月2日 21時01分

This is HOW we affect change........... United we stand together we stand and change will follow - Some people assumed that the buzz, hype and controversy would make people tune IN........ But instead........ They tuned out african American's have ONLY won 14 Oscars in 88 YEARS........ IF you are working your ass off and you're fully committed to your CRAFT - you're sacrificing it ALL and putting your BEST FOOT FORWARD it doesn't matter if you're black white Latin gay or straight YOU deserve and "opportunity" to be nominated and win an Oscar, a Grammy or any other award........ Today we salute YOU for standing with us - ALL of us took a stand and we made a impact........... Cheers to our daughters and sons of the FUTURE...... We stand up NOW.... And we affect change for them in the future...


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




