Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 2月25日 22時52分

Even though Stage 2B and Stage 3 are on track, the day that I die an image like this will be the one that I'll take with me. As you can see, we were installing the anti-Dharma net, I can see in this picture The Jaguar Express, Karma's chair and the ladder that Cielo and Tierra were afraid off so much (Thank God since that was the only way to control them. I would only say "Ladder" and Cielo would run away). The garden had Roses and Flowers still so everything was in place. This reminded of a poem that my real father, not the biological fool, used to Love by Juan Ramon Jimenez, and it's called The Definitive Journey:
"And I will leave. But the Birds will stay, singing; and my garden will stay, with its green tree, with its water well.
Many afternoons the skies will be blue and placid, and the bells in the belfry will chime, as they are chiming this very afternoon. The people who have Loved me will pass away, and the town will burst anew every year. But my Spirit will always wander nostalgic in the same recondite corner of my flowery garden..."
El día que me muera esta va a ser la imagen que me lleve conmigo al otro lado...
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