Catharine Mi-Sookのインスタグラム(catharinemisook) - 2月23日 11時46分

My first penning with an original Warren Penny Pen manufactured in the 1890's. I recently happened upon this treasure in a little shoppe of vintage oddities and knew it was destiny. The thought that this quill survived throughout a century only to find its way into my hands takes my heart into a new wonder again, where books are discovered on old shelves, and the stories I was always meant to tell find their way back home again. I found it only fitting to choose this poem from "The Beckoning," by Stephen Roach, an artist, innovator, poet, musician (frontman of one of my fave bands @songsofwater) and fire starter, to commence a creative moment where old meets new and breath is found again. So here's to all of you. And to the wild fires within that were never meant to be quenched, to wonder found in dust, and rivers bursting forth in new ground, to awakening to the light and dreams and stories deep within the heart, the ones that are calling you and the ones that the world longs to see.


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