Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 2月22日 10時04分

Yesterday I posted about this 17 year old kid (He's been training since he was 2 years old) @jeanpaulmma saying that in 11 months he'll fight in the UFC. Obviously, good for nothing haters started to give an unwanted, unfounded and foolish advice. Turns out that @jeanpaulmma is a 3 times Jiu Jitsu World Champion, defeating on his last championship a black belt in the category of "Adult Expert". His Godfather is no one else but Royce Gracie and his dad, Nono, has been the trainer of the biggest UFC stars. Oh, did I mention that he trains with Conor Mcgregor? The dark side of humanity is alive in all of us just waiting for the time to show its face. We think that the enemies are all around the world when in reality the enemy is within us. Criticizing a 17 year old kid without knowing what he has done? That's stupid. And for sure he'd destroy all of the fools that were giving him that stupid advice if they would be in a ring...
@jeanpaulmma @UFC @danawhiteufc @givebackhomes @コナー・マクレガー


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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