ポール・ブラックソーンのインスタグラム(paulblackthorne) - 2月17日 01時14分

https://www.facebook.com/OfficialPaulBlackthorne/posts/475471125997381:0 Shes still alive.. @ルイス・ハミルトン @airshepherd Hello one & all,
This image is taken from a video that world motor racing champion Lewis Hamilton posted on his Instagram yesterday.
As you can see its horrific, but the image tells only half the story. In the video you see the Rhino is still alive, her ears are still moving and she is trying to breathe out of whats left of her nasal cavity.
It’s f*cking heartbreaking. THIS is the reality of Rhino poaching, its utterly barbaric.
A few weeks back I posted a video saying that 90% of this poached Rhino horn ends up in VIETNAM.
With this in mind I asked if anyone had any contacts in Vietnam or suggestions of how I could help raise awareness there.
I had an amazing response and, fingers crossed, it looks like I'll be making a trip to Vietnam during the Arrow hiatus.
Thank you to those who have helped with that and thank you to the fastest man on four wheels, Lewis Hamilton, for posting that video yesterday, it's hard to watch but it gets the message out.
In the post he also says he wants to help the cause - maybe we can get Lewis to Vietnam too... Peace & love one & all


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