リード・モラノのインスタグラム(reedmorano) - 2月14日 09時34分

Spent the better part of 2015 shooting one of the most creatively explosive experiences of my life with some of my best friends - an insane ride called #Vinyl - it premieres tomorrow night 2/14 on HBO at 9pm!! @bobby_cannavale @オリヴィア・ワイルド @vinyl @hbo @ロドリゴ・プリエト shot the pilot like a genius with the great @マーティン・スコセッシ at the helm & I started in episode 2, shooting all the even episodes & tag teamed with my buddy @davidfrancodp who did the odd eps! If you like watching the shit hit the fan, this series might be for you...


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



