NASAのインスタグラム(nasa) - 2月11日 01時29分

British European Space Agency astronaut Tim Peake (@astro_timpeake) posted this video and wrote, 'Amazing how much lightning can strike our planet in a short time #Principia #timelapse.' Astronauts capture photographs and video of the Earth from the International Space Station (@国際宇宙ステーション) routinely. The station is a unique place - a convergence of science, technology and human innovation that demonstrates new technologies and makes research breakthroughs not possible on Earth. It is a microgravity laboratory in which an international crew of six people live and work while traveling at a speed of 17,500 mph, orbiting Earth every 90 minutes.

Image Credit: ESA

#nasa #esa #iss #space #lightning #spacestation #science #earth


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