ランドール・スラヴィンのインスタグラム(randallslavin) - 2月6日 23時24分

Emma Roberts. Downtown Los Angeles,CA. I was planning on shooting inside a hotel with a bunch of @kinoflolightingsystems and smoke machines and shit. But. I didn't think about smoke alarms that went crazy as soon as we were fired up the smoke machines. Needless to say, after security came up to us to figure out why we had decided to burn their hotel down they were very upset and told us to get the f&#k out of their hotel and don't come back. We hadn't shot a frame yet,so, we just did the entire shoot on the streets surrounding the hotel. Like I always say; so much of what we do as photographers is problem solving and thinking on your feet. #emmaroberts #screamqueens


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Scarlett Rose Leitholdのインスタグラム
Scarlett Rose Leitholdさんがフォロー
