ステラ・マッカートニーのインスタグラム(stellamccartney) - 2月6日 21時13分

In 2014, the International Court of Justice at The Hague declared Japanese Antarctic whaling illegal. Despite this, Japanese whalers are continuing to exploit a legal loophole by hunting whales under the guise of scientific research. Commercial whaling has caused the number of larger whales (Humpback, Blue) to deplete year on year. As a result, hunters have more recently sought after the smaller Minke whales as a replacement.
Please show your support and spread awareness. Together, we can stop Japanese whalers from reaching their target this hunting season. Find out how to #DefendAntarctica by supporting @SeaShepherd – visit SeaShepherd.org.
Pic by @BBCOne's Frozen Planet. #StellaCares


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