Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 2月6日 03時59分

Death, if even momentarily, reveals the true nature of things. Every false idea disappears, we become Enlightened momentarily and the Existential Truth all of a sudden is standing in front of us. Most people will be ashamed in those moments of self realization about how we treated everything around us. We have betrayed everything and everyone including ourselves. The only Freedom available to us is to treat everyone and everything with the utmost respect because that way we are not tied to anything. We all know what's right and what's wrong, we just try to fool ourselves. But again, Death will make everything clear. Hopefully for your sake, when Death comes, you will be happy with yourselves because there's nothing worse than that Universal shame. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I've died that way once and all I can say is that I'm beyond happy to have been given a second chance. My real father, not the biological fool used to say: SELF IMPORTANCE KILLS. We think too much of ourselves, yet most humans don't have 1 percent of the class that a Dog has.
Pic from @corruptgovernment
#blackjaguarwhitetiger #PapaBearChronicles #SaveOurPlanet


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