ケアリー・ハートのインスタグラム(hartluck) - 2月6日 00時23分

Waking up to the realization this morning that Dave is gone is absolutely heart breaking. I was telling my wife that most of the best memories from my career have Dave involved one way or another, and it's always a funny memory. Dave was such a genuine dude. He always had a smile on his face and cracking jokes, unless he was in contest mode. He was the fiercest competitor I have ever met. Unfortunately I haven't seen Dave much since he retired, but I guess that's what happens in life. Wish I had known something was wrong and he new he had some to talk to. I understand the battle w/ depression. I tame mine with therapy and family. Im mad as hell at you for doing this, and my heart absolutely shatters for your daughters and wife. But I will cherish our time together and the many good times we had. Ride in Paradise, Dime Bag. You will be greatly missed.


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