デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 2月5日 11時42分

Today was a powerful day for me. I have to say I think it was a pivotal day. It brought me back to a crucial day with this amazing mentor and friend Frank Roberts. My high school drama teacher and the first human away from my family to care about me - my wants and needs, hopes and dreams.
Frank taught drama at Arlington High School. He welcomed me into the class with open arms. The day that changed my life was that first day in class when we pulled me aside and told me after seeing me onstage do a quick introduction to the class - "you're meant to be a part of this class."
He immediately saw how serious I was about the arts and how I wanted to both learn and grow but how I could contribute to the community which I have accomplished both in performance and behind the scenes.
Frank, thank you for all the things you said or wrote in countless emails before you passed away and thank you for today.
I am so lucky to have had a teacher that took the time to listen to a shy, young, introverted kid from the back row of the class and encourage me to "go for it" and "keep on going." I will Frank... always!


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