ラッセル・ウィルソンのインスタグラム(dangerusswilson) - 2月4日 07時16分

Wilson Football and I have teamed up to create the perfect football trophy for the ultimate fan. Nominate your buddy who’s ALL football ALL of the time. Here’s what you do....Create a 15 second video telling me and Wilson why your friend deserves to win the entire collection of Super Bowl balls 1-50. You have to post to Wilson Football’s page AND use hashtag #TrophyRoomTakeover to make your entry count. And, you better make it real too. If we pick your entry, both YOU and your friend get to pick up Super Bowl ball XLVIII at a home game in Seattle next season. Watch a Hawks game and go home with an autographed Russell Wilson Wilson Football! #WilsonForWilson


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