キキ・パーマーのインスタグラム(keke) - 1月31日 14時19分

We are supposed to have fun, enjoy life and all the things it has to offer. Things that can be felt in the heart and things that we can also just enjoy! However .. Society can sometimes make you feel like you have to compare yourself to someone else. Or believe that your happiness is limited to a certain level based off of your job or bank acct. We can not steal our happiness from ourselves by letting societies woes tell us who we are. We are happy when WE say we are happy, THINGS don't define our sense of self because they can't! What our hearts want can not be bought in the stores. We spend money quickly on anything tht we believe will make us "happy". We find ourselves trying to get to something with the wrong tools, feeling DOOPED every time it doesn't "last!" Wasting years searching for something we had within but never took the time to learn how to access because we were too busy looking outward ?! We have to LEARN OURSELVES outside of societies limitations, then and only then, will we know what it is to BE happiness. ✨✨✨✨ Snapchat: keekthasneak


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