The Dogistのインスタグラム(thedogist) - 1月28日 11時29分

Al, Labrador Retriever (4 y/o), 10th & 4th Ave., New York, NY • "I was a designer, a painter, and a teacher, and then I lost my sight. When I had the white cane, it was like I was a leper. But then they gave me a dog, and people were like, 'They're just out there trying to make the best of it!'. I went to a sold out concert in Washington, DC, once, and the ticket lady said, 'There's just no way'. But then, she looked down at him and said, 'Isn't he handsome!'. We got to sit in the club box. Before having a dog, I felt old, handicapped, and vulnerable. With a dog, it's been the opposite. First was Hickory, then Kemp, and now Al. The great adventure of my life has been working with these dogs. They're goofy and noble. Today is Al's fourth birthday, the same as Mozart's. We like to call him 'Almadeus'." – Check out Lloyd's book: "Two Seeing Eye Dogs Take Manhattan"


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