The Berricsのインスタグラム(berrics) - 1月27日 01時44分

This was one of the first photos I ever had published in @TheSkateboardMag, or any magazine for that matter. Being one of the first generations raised on The Mag it was a dream come true to start seeing my photos in it. I had seen this spot on Myspace (anyone remember Myspace?) and I knew that the background was the quintessential Arizona scene and needed to shoot a photo there. This actually may have been my first digitally-assisted spot find. Now it seems pretty common to learn about a spot from social media, but back then it was pretty rare. For anyone else there would be no chance of getting a good photo on such a "not-a-spot" as we would call it, but I knew that @_LeviBrown had all the style it took to turn this cement accident into something epic. He did some ollies and some kickflips, but in the end this was the one. It ended up running as the opener of a "Wizards of AZ" feature in The Mag and I got to see it spread across those glossy pages. Nothing looks as good as Fuji Velvia film shot with a Hasselblad. ?:@priceyhot || #ShootAllSkaters


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