タンクのインスタグラム(therealtank) - 1月26日 01時12分

First I want to thank ALL of the fans and R&B supporters for being there for me! Sex Love and Pain II is more of my fight to keep R&B alive! I love what I do and I love the people that I do it for! With that said it's very sad when my fans go to pick up my album and it's not stocked on the shelves because the workers in retail just didn't feel like taking it out of the box! I've personally been in stores where this has been the case and I don't understand it. I'm just trying to provide a service and earn a living at the same time. My kids are just as important as your kids. My consumer is just as important as your consumer! Please put Sex Love and Pain II on the shelves and let the people live! Please put ALL OF OUR R&B MUSIC on the shelves and let the people enjoy our work! I thank you ahead of time because I know the people who run these retailers want to serve the people! Love.. #RnBMoney #SLP2 #GetItNow #TheGeneral #BDAY


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




