Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 1月25日 07時56分

And to think that we used to bathe Ali in my faucet because when he arrived to us he was full of excrement. We used to let him soak in warm water for around 10 minutes and then I would use shampoo and shower him completely. Look how big he is now...
Y pensar que lo bañábamos en mi lava manos pues nos llegó lleno de excremento...
Pic by @paulcheca
#KingAliBJWT #SaveLions #SaveOurPlanet #behuman #NotPets #NoSonMascotas #blackjaguarwhitetiger #RescuedLions


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The Critter Havenのインスタグラム
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