クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 1月25日 01時06分

About last night with @channon_ these crabs cost $2 off the boat at the pier in Rhode Island....but add garlic and oil and bam! $60! Plus the noodles! I really need to open up a restaurant one day! They are making a killing! Excuse my thinking--- I'm looking at everything as business these days. But regardless- the food was amazing as always and it was nice to catch up with my girl and meet her beautiful baby who isn't afraid of ANYTHING! Shelly hates kids (I know go figure) and was hissing at Baby Graesyn and G gave zero fux! #okThisPostIsAllOverThePlace #HonestlyIWasJustTryingToShowOffMyFoodAndThenTriedToMakeTheCaptionDeeperThanThatMyBad #DontYouHateWhenPeopleDoThatShitOnTheGram?#OMGTheyAreSoAnnoying #WaitIJustDidThatButItsDifferent #MyFavoriteFakeDeepPostsAreWhenImAtTheBeachFakeLookingOutIntoTheHorizonFakeContemplatingTheMeaningOfLife #YallKnowWhatImTalkingAbout #OrWhenWeGetTheFirstClassUpGradeAndFakeDeepPostSomethingAboutComfortJustCauseWeReallyWantIGToSeeWeInFirstClassYallAintSlick #WaitIJustDidThatLastWeekMyBad #okEnoughWithTheseHashTagsIveDrySnitchedOnMyselfEnoughAlready ?


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