ケヴィン・スミスのインスタグラム(thatkevinsmith) - 1月24日 22時34分

The legendary man hunter from Quebec #GuyLapointe returns in @yogahosers - which has its world premiere at the #Sundance Film Festival tonight! This is the dust jacket to the true crime novel Guy wrote about the events of @tuskthemovie. (Quite like #Tusk the reviews for the book were not good.) For the cover of the tome, we used a stunning piece of fan art created for Tusk by a talented guy named Mike Cook. When we needed our fake book cover, I remembered this striking image. We reached out to Mike to ask if we could use it and he gave us permission. So now, Mike's fan art is an actual movie prop. Just like the comic we're giving out that was inspired by the original #YogaHosers fan art @jeffquigley posted on Instagram, this is yet another example of how I cannot do any of this shit without the folks who groove on my currently weird, possibly career-killing filmmaking frame of mind. I get a warm feeling knowing my art inspires some of the art you folks create - but I get even warmer feelings when your art inspires mine in return!


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