キエラ・キキ・シェアードのインスタグラム(kierrasheard) - 1月20日 06時37分

If being nasty got you there, being nasty is what will keep you there. Every once in a while, a woman wants to just be a lady and carry her grace more than her nasty. It's hard having peace, where there's an unrealistic responsibility. Love yourself enough to set real life goals. Aging is apart of life. While living, you should be having fun. Love isn't all fairy tales and pixie dust, but love shouldn't make you feel alone or without value. Love may chasten you, but even with that side of love you don't feel alone. You may lose your nasty, but you won't necessarily lose your grace. Go where you're safe enough to just be you with freedom and grace. Have that side to you for when it's necessary in marriage, but don't let that be all there is to you. Check out my new blog post at www.iamkierrasheard.com to see why I understand... #kierrasblog #kierrasdevotion #lessons


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