Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 1月16日 21時39分

Our top vet @magomezgarza evaluated N last night again and her dosage has been reduced. She is not as drowsy now as you can see and most probably she'll be back playing with her Comadre Jade later today. She's had no seizures in the past 4 days and she is eating great. At least she'll be medicated for 2 more weeks but we are happy with her progress. Thank you for your Love and Blessings. They are working :)
Nuestra Nicolita no ha presentado convulsiones en los últimos 4 días y nuestro veterinario en jefe @magomezgarza ya le redujo la dosis de mantenimiento del medicamento. Yo creo que esta tarde jugará con su Comadre Jade un poco. Gracias por su Amor y Bendiciones, están funcionando...
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