アラン・カミングのインスタグラム(alancummingreally) - 1月15日 07時57分

Today I spent pounding the streets of NYC. I walked, I rode a @citibike, I took the subway.
This city makes you embrace everything. You can't look away. And you shouldn't .
So thank you NYC for making me feel alive, for feeling grateful to be alive, for feeling welcome and for feeling cold (also thanks for my new @spyderactive jacket)
Tonight I stand with the Freedom Tower sticking out of my hat and I am celebrating having known truly great men like David Bowie and Alan Rickman, and that Jennifer Jason Leigh today got a much deserved and much belated Oscar nomination.
I am so lucky to be going home to my man and my dog and to be warm and not hungry. I am so lucky to be happy. Thank you NYC, you beautiful, life- affirming city.


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