Carter Cruiseのインスタグラム(cartercruise) - 1月14日 12時36分

Albert Camus made a huge impact on me in high school both as a writer and as a thinker. I love this quote and if you can't tell, it's the idea I've based my entire life on. Maybe it's just the revolutionary in me, but I've always felt a compulsion to challenge, to question, to advance change. To me, accomplishing that is how I define my own success, regardless of fame and money. I realized that just thinking and talking about things wasn't making the impact I wanted to and felt compelled to commit my entire existence to pushing the boundaries of society and challenging the status quo. We may not know our purpose as humans (or even have one at all) but that shouldn't stop us from constantly searching for answers by opening our minds and allowing ourselves to evolve. It's easy to get stuck doing what is comfortable and accepted, but when we do that, we've given up the search and admitted our own lack of meaning. We should always question ourselves and strive for greater understanding, while encouraging others to do the same.

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